Friday, September 26, 2008

Phone Calls, Address Changes, Transfers

Isn't it fun transferring all the utilities and doing address changes when you move? *rolls eyes*

I spent my lunch break yesterday talking to 15 different people at Verizon just to get them to transfer my service. I was beginning to think that the "right department" was a figment of their imagination! But I finally got everything settled and we're a go for October 9th. Of course I have to be there "between 8 and 12" and they'll show up at 3. I know that drill.

Luckily the electric and trash service were easy. Now all that's left is the water.


Anonymous said...

Though I moved 2 months ago, you could send a couple of those my way...heheheh

Christina said...

Good luck on the packing. Don't you just love the time windows they give for service. UGH!

Anonymous said...

I was going to come help you move but I see you are looking for something I don't have :) Good luck with your move and you are doing the right thing. I am so happy for you.

Lisa & Alfie said...

Wouldn't those bookends lighten a girls load!
Lisa & Alfie

Anonymous said...

Hi Shirl! I'm so sorry you have to go through this life change but glad you are keepin your sense of humor!!! If you find a couple extra of these send them my way (maybe their older older brothers!lol)Look forward to pics of your new place!! Best Wishes - Sincerely, Jeannette