Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bison - Who Knew?

DS worked at a restaurant that went out of business, and they gave what food they had in stock to the employees on the last night. DS brought home 6 pounds of ground bison. I was skeptical as I don't like "wild game," but I caved and tried it. OMG, it's DELICIOUS! And, apparently better for you than beef...

"Buffalo (American Bison) meat is sweeter in flavor and leaner than beef. Bison meat is also healthier than skinless chicken, pork, lamb and even some fish, especially if you consider the mercury levels in fish nowadays. There is little shrinkage in bison meat, and because there is less fat to insulate the bison meat, it cooks faster than beef. Furthermore, in comparison to grain-fed beef, buffalo meat contains 69% more iron and higher levels of vitamins, minerals and omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids, which help promote a healthy metabolism."

I wonder why it's not more readily available to the public?

Friday, September 26, 2008

Phone Calls, Address Changes, Transfers

Isn't it fun transferring all the utilities and doing address changes when you move? *rolls eyes*

I spent my lunch break yesterday talking to 15 different people at Verizon just to get them to transfer my service. I was beginning to think that the "right department" was a figment of their imagination! But I finally got everything settled and we're a go for October 9th. Of course I have to be there "between 8 and 12" and they'll show up at 3. I know that drill.

Luckily the electric and trash service were easy. Now all that's left is the water.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

New Season - New Beginning

This is my exit...

I knew it was coming. So hard to face, but it's the best thing to do. I'm leaving my home with my daughter and starting a new life.

I'm in a very unhealthy relationship with her father. I'm so glad we never remarried.

I found a very cute and cozy little home about 2 blocks from her school. We start moving next week.

Onward and upward!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Goofy Girl

Miss M went to a birthday party this past Saturday. Her brother took her so I could get some things done. He told me that when they first got there, she was downright unsociable. Imagine that...MY daughter unsociable!? Then he offered this as proof...

Doesn't she just look thrilled to be there? LOL Luckily she pulled out of the blahs and ended up having a wonderful time. She's so fickle...

Monday, September 22, 2008

Happy Fall Y'all!

It's Here! We Made It!

I was actually starting to wonder if Richmond would EVER cool off, but it looks like we've arrived. It's amazing to me how it can be 95 here one day and 74 the next. *rolls eyes*

I'm hoping to get some work done in the yard in the coming weeks. I'd like to get it raked and cleaned of debris before the leaves start falling to make it easier when they do. I sure am looking forward to all the pretty colors!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Just A Swingin'

When I bought this house I asked our Realtor to see if the seller would consider leaving the wonderful backyard swing, and he did. I just love its patina and country feel.

I haven't had the time this year to devote to sprucing up that corner of the yard, but I plan to add some pretty flowers and comfy pillows in the Spring. It has so much potential!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Where A Blank Wall Once Was

This was my project for yesterday. The boys and I got the upper cabinet hung in the kitchen!

I am SO pleased with the way it looks! Patrick and I carried it upstairs and I strained my back pulling on it, so we waited for Randy to get home to hang it. Getting old is for the birds. I could've carried it by myself 20 years ago! LOL

Little by little the kitchen is coming together. :)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Barking...All That Barking!

I kept hearing a squirrel barking incessantly outside and I wondered what was upsetting him. With camera in hand I tracked him down. He's young, but he sure has a set of lungs!

He didn't seem to mind having his picture taken, the little prince. And as I turned to come back inside I figured out what was upsetting him...

Miss Sable was on the prowl! She looked at me so innocently, too. Ah, my critters...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

911 Math Help

I went to Miss M's Back-to-School night last night and her Math teacher played this cute video for us...

I'm so impressed with the way the officer handled the call. Too cute!

Have a great day, everyone, and SMILE!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


And I'm HOME! That NEVER happens! LOL Ah, sitting here in a quiet house with a cuppa coffee, reading blogs, and listening to it rain. Does it GET any BETTER?

Yesterday I was tagged by my friend Jeanette to post 7 Facts about me. I enjoyed reading hers, and hope to read more fascinating tidbits as I pass the Tag along! Here goes...

7 Facts About Me

1. I was born with blonde hair and blue eyes.
2. I was a majorette in high school.
3. I'm a Star Trek fan.
4. I'm a Ford girl.
5. My favorite color is green.
6. I LOVE to cross stitch.
7. My favorite song is "In The Air Tonight" by Phil Collins.

Now, I get to tag some of my friends to play along! I tag...

* Lola at AnSewOn
* Missy at Que Sera Sera
* Trina at Embarking Upon A New Horizon
* Shari at Shari's Sharings

Can't wait to see what interesting facts I can learn about you all!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Fairy Houses

It's amazing what you can find in your yard if you look closely. Aren't these cool?



They're gone now. Such fragile things that only last a little while, but are just simply magical. OK, I'm cheesy today, what can I say? :)

Friday, September 12, 2008

I Made It!

It's FRIDAY! WooHoo! And you know what the best part is? I'm OFF NEXT WEEK!!!

I haven't had any time off since my surgery last July, so I'm very much looking forward to staying home and getting some things done around the house. My goal is to get the den painted. Or sit and watch Law & Order marathons all day. HHhhhmmmm, decisions...decisions! LOL

Thursday, September 11, 2008

God Bless America!

We will never forget...


Yesterday Pam found my blog because I mentioned my heart throb Scott Bakula. I had the priviledge of meeting him when he starred in "Shenandoah" at the Ford Theatre in Washington DC. I even got a hug and an autograph! I'll remember that night the rest of my life. Sigh...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Open Letter To The Idiot Riding My Bumper This Morning

Dear Idiot,

I realize traffic was heavy this morning, you were obviously late for work, and it's a Wednesday, but I feel I need to let you in on a few secrets about our commute this morning...

1. I cannot go any faster than the car in front of me. I have no control over the fact that the moron is reading the morning paper, dialing his cellphone, and having his morning coffee while trying to maintain a speed of 45 MPH.

2. If the moron spills coffee on the slacks he was just ironing and stops suddenly, I'm braking. If a squirrel, a child, or Scott Bakula runs out onto the road in front of me, I'm braking. If God Almighty decides to send down a lightning bolt opening a chasm 50 ft wide in front of me to make me appreciate the fact that I'm alive today, I'm braking.

You're a 40-year old suburban businessman. What makes you think you have the reflexes to stop your vehicle in any of the above scenarios in time to prevent plowing my trunk into my dashboard? Are you wearing your super hero boxers today?

3. We are both going to arrive at the next stoplight at the same time. You're not getting through the red light until I do. Accept that.

Oh, and I'm sorry about the brake check right before I turned off. Hope the knot on your head doesn't hurt too badly. :)


License Plate #RLX 8834
(Which you could read if you'd BACK OFF!)

Monday, September 8, 2008

7 Quirky Things

Jennifer over at Running With Scissors posted "7 Quirky Things" about herself that I really enjoyed reading. So, following her lead, I challenged myself to come up with 7 things about myself that most people would consider totally weird. (Trust me, I found MANY more, but these are the ones I could share in public...LOL)

7 Quirky Things About Me

1. I have to hold my nose when I go underwater. Let me tell you, I look like a real pro jumping off the diving board!

2. I don't wear a seatbelt (unless I'm riding with someone who MAKES me). I would rather be ejected from a car and take my chances than to be pinned in and trapped. I guess it's a phobia?

3. I like cornbread crumbled into an ice cold glass of milk.

4. I ate the ends off matches when I was little. And raw bacon. And lived!

5. I'm a true blue Coal Miner's Daughter.

6. I LOVE storage items. Hat boxes, steamer trunks, old chests, decorative boxes, bags, etc. It's a sickness, really.

7. I adore storms. Rainy days make me very happy.

Well, there you have it. I warned you I'm weird! LOL

Have a great Monday, everyone!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Fall In Fifteen Days!

The temps here are still so very hot, and Hanna made it so unbearably humid the past few days that it's just been miserable. But relief is coming, and I can hardly wait!

Speaking of Hanna, we had some pretty serious rain on Friday night and early yesterday. The wind knocked down a few branches here and there, but luckily our power stayed on.

Yesterday I woke up with a migraine from hell and ended up trying to sleep most of the day. Thankfully it's gone now, but what a way to spend a Saturday! NOT!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Well, We Lost...

But it was a good game! I really enjoyed that 'ole familiar feeling of butterflies when the game got down to the wire and the anticipation of the next play. 16-7 is nothing to be ashamed of considering we were playing the Superbowl Champs. Onward to next week!

Hanna is on her way, and there are warnings in place for strong storms tonight and tomorrow. They even rescheduled and played some of the area high school football games last night, which I think is a good move. I'm keeping fingers crossed that everyone stays safe and she blows in and out without any damage.

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Are You Ready For Some FOOTBALL???

Tonight's the night...it's gonna be alright...(oops, sorry Rod! LOL) I'm SO EXCITED about the season FINALLY starting! It feels like it's been forever. Win or lose, I'm just glad my boys are back on the field.


Hurricane Hanna is heading for the SC shore tomorrow and will work her way up the Coast over the weekend. They're predicting lots of rain and wind for us on Saturday. I just hope the power doesn't go out. I hate it when that happens!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day & A Relief

Here she is, my sweet 5th grader. Where has my baby gone???

It did my heart good to see her so excited this morning. She was up at 6:30! I know it'll fizzle after a few days, but I'm enjoying it while it lasts. LOL

As far as my test results, BENIGN CYSTS! Radiologist told me they were absolutely nothing to worry about. Whew, what a relief. I'm good for another year! Thank you to everyone who sent up a little prayer for me. (((HUGS)))

Monday, September 1, 2008

Last Blast of Summer!

I hope everyone is having
a great
Labor Day weekend!

School starts tomorrow for Miss M. She's as ready as she'll be, and very excited to get started. I'll have the traditional "first day" picture to share tomorrow. I also go tomorrow morning for the mamo retake and ultrasound. Can't wait to hear the word "benign" so I can just get on with it.

The Holiday Grand Plan started yesterday, and I'm in the mood to start planning for Christmas this year. Not really sure where I'll be when the holidays roll around, but it's nice to think about being organized and completely finished so I can just sit back and enjoy them. I so love Christmas.